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Flexibility February Challenge at FitStop

Who's ready to get flexible? Or at least to improve their flexibility? Try the FitStop 's new Challenge! Check out the poster here:

Feel free to save and print the list/tracker page or grab a copy at the gym entrance.

Flexibility is so important, for many reasons:

  • Pain relief

  • Improved blood flow

  • Improved ability to do daily tasks

  • Improved posture

  • Better performance in yourworkouts

  • And I'm sure you can think of more!

Remember though, it's not just about stretching. Did you ever feel you weren't getting deep enough in your squats? Or your your chest flys felt limited? These are just 2 moves that require flexibility. Keep practicing them, and add in stretching. Lots of stretching.

Take advantage of your 2 "rest" days in the challenge. They can be any day of the week. You can take a walk, do some active recovery, fully rest or you can attend a FitStop class. Yoga on Tuesdays at 1:30pm, Evening Stretch and Mobility on Wednesdays at 6pm, Beginner Pilates on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am and Intermediate Pilates on Fridays at 10am. These classes all offer so much in the way of flexibility.

We also have our Hiit and Bootcamp classes!! They can help a lot too.

Have fun in this Flexibility February Challenge!!


I have noticed a few people coming into the gym with their outdoor shoes on. I've spoken to a couple, but just wanted to emphasize wearing clean sneakers or stocking feet in the gym. Let's keep the gym clean and safe this winter.

If you haven't yet heard of our new nutrition program, Foods 2 Flourish, then please head over to last week's blog. All the info is there!!

February is also preventative Health Awareness month. Are they any little changes you need to make? Get more sleep? Eat better? Get regular checkups?

Our goal is to be healthy and happy. Don't wait to do that!

Thank you for your time!

Your coach,


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